Wednesday, September 3, 2014

peter pan?



Many words have been used to describe Peter Pan. Macho. Womanizer. Hard drinking ACLU card carrying 
bleeding heart Liberal. Chess Genius. Hockey Fanatic. Racist Pig. Communist Asswipe. But one group 
is calling him something none of us probably ever have expected. "A fairy faggot fuck." 

As everyone knows the history Peter Pan was born in Omaha Nebraska in the late 1700's. 
His father Pauly and Mother Penny raised young Peter in a small village where his Father was
King. He wanted Peter to be tough. "This kid needs to grow some balls." He said. 
at which his wife told him that he was holding another couples daughter and that his son was 
in the bonnet next to her at which he put her down and picked up Peter and when King Pauly Pan
held his son for the first time he cried.

 "My boy." he wept "My Boy. 

He kicked peter across the room and yellled "Gooooooooooooal!" 

A major world cup nut he wanted his son to play Futbol but instead he grew up 
to be a butterball who never saw a fruitbowl.  At sixteen Peter was fat as shit and his dad was livid. 

 "If that kid eats another jar of peanut butter I'm gonna staple his ass shut." 

His father was heard telling anyone who would listen, in this case the family dog. 

When he realized stapling his ass shut would probably juts make Peter fatter Pauly started
drinking heavily and left his family to open a crab restaurant in Baltimore. Peter crushed by this 
finally lost weight.  He led the bruins to 16 stanley cup championships. Taught Elton John how to be
perfect and began sewing his own green outfit of green tights and whatever the hell he wears as a top.

"Fairy Faggot Fuck?"  Me thinks not.   

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