Wednesday, September 3, 2014

peter pan?



Many words have been used to describe Peter Pan. Macho. Womanizer. Hard drinking ACLU card carrying 
bleeding heart Liberal. Chess Genius. Hockey Fanatic. Racist Pig. Communist Asswipe. But one group 
is calling him something none of us probably ever have expected. "A fairy faggot fuck." 

As everyone knows the history Peter Pan was born in Omaha Nebraska in the late 1700's. 
His father Pauly and Mother Penny raised young Peter in a small village where his Father was
King. He wanted Peter to be tough. "This kid needs to grow some balls." He said. 
at which his wife told him that he was holding another couples daughter and that his son was 
in the bonnet next to her at which he put her down and picked up Peter and when King Pauly Pan
held his son for the first time he cried.

 "My boy." he wept "My Boy. 

He kicked peter across the room and yellled "Gooooooooooooal!" 

A major world cup nut he wanted his son to play Futbol but instead he grew up 
to be a butterball who never saw a fruitbowl.  At sixteen Peter was fat as shit and his dad was livid. 

 "If that kid eats another jar of peanut butter I'm gonna staple his ass shut." 

His father was heard telling anyone who would listen, in this case the family dog. 

When he realized stapling his ass shut would probably juts make Peter fatter Pauly started
drinking heavily and left his family to open a crab restaurant in Baltimore. Peter crushed by this 
finally lost weight.  He led the bruins to 16 stanley cup championships. Taught Elton John how to be
perfect and began sewing his own green outfit of green tights and whatever the hell he wears as a top.

"Fairy Faggot Fuck?"  Me thinks not.   


  Guy gets drunk. 

"I'm fuckin drunk!" he yells across old town square outside of Coopersmith's bar as
it's nearing two in the morning on a warm night in Fort Collins. 

Nobody see's the man but everyone is interested. Who wouldn't be? But my question is
why label yourself? I personally am very much against labels and Why identify yourself so
clearly to the public. If someone shows up missing a butthole the next day in a crazed 
butthole removing attack who do you think they're going to come looking for? 

Well there was that guy that yelled "I'm fucking drunk!" last night. Go check him out.  

Look, get drunk but protect your identity. 

smith vs welker


Stephen A. Smith Calls Wes Welker a liar. 

ESPN analyst Stephen A, Smith isn't here to make friends with athletes and he doesn't appreciate liars. 

"Wes Welker needs to stop lying to the American public." Smith said. 

Smith was adamant in his condemnation of Welker on his morning radio show. Welker was suspended
 4 games for testing positive for  
violating the NFL's PED policy. 

"Wes you ain't gonna play wit yo nutsies. Quit actin like you gonna play wit yo nutsies." 

Smith went on.

"Quit tellin everyone yo gonna play wit yo nutsies, cuz you know you ain't gonna play wit yo nutsies" 

It was not clear what Smith meant by his comments. When asked to Comment on Smith's comments 
Welker was dumbfounded. 

"What are nutsies?" Welker asked "I mean...I guess I could play with them if their true Christians." 

Smith was asked what he thought about Welker's denial of using drugs. 

"Please."  Smith said. 

It's clear that smith marches to the beat of his own drummer. Smith's television partner on his morning ESPN show
First Take Skip Bayless was asked to comment.

"I'm Nutsies about Johnny Football!" He said 

Skip then hung up and went back into the airport bar to get a beer and some nutsies.  


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

THE SCOUT  -  1994 

THE Scout remains one of the greatest examples of a film that is birthed with so much promise but then dies a horrible death. 

Albert Brooks plays AL PERCOLO a talent scout for the NEW YORK YANKEES who travels alone to College baseball games across the 
nation looking for as he calls it KONG. from his favorite movie the original KING KONG which he watches in his 
tiny hotel room before going out the next day to live out his mantra of finding the new star. 

"You go into the jungle you come out with Kong, you're a hero."

Among his fellow Scouts for opposing MLB teams Al is a maverick who skirts the rules. he hides in his car after games 
and gets young players it's illegal for him to speak to alone and gives him his spill in hopes to persuade them to
sign with him. in one instance he manages to get himself invited to one such prospects parents house for dinner. 
Knowing the family are devout Catholics Al pulls out all the cons. wearing a giant silver cross around his neck at the dinner table 
and spouting off about how the Yankees are very geared in the same religious beliefs as there own

He tells them, Mickey Mantle's sister was a Nun, Her name was mickey also, but with an "i" sister Micki Elizabeth Mantle, "some nun" he shines. 

The scene is hysterically funny and the comic brilliance of Albert Brooks is there in full force ready to gain steam and then inexplicably 
The Scout flies off of the rails and the train wrecks. Al gets his man  but the newly signed star washes out in his first game, becoming
 so nervous he throws up on the mound in front of Yankee Stadium and runs out of the stadium up the new jersey turnpike and back 
home to his parents. 

 Al is brought into the G.M's office where he is taken off of u.s assignments and banished to Mexico 

the movie is weighed down in The Steve Nebraska characters idiotic lunacy. Not even a movie
 character would be this dumb he's not crazy he's just stupid. It's like being on a great trip with someone who's company you really 
enjoy but then there's this other guy around and nobody knows why he's there and he won't go away.  Throw in some slightly funny 
scenes with brooks and dianne wiest who plays psychiatrist who Al only finds because she's listed in the phone book under 
Doctor H. Aaaron. "hammerin Hank."  

The movie is loaded with ridiculously syrupy music as we're supposed to be actually concerned that steve is really crazy and
that eventually will do something nuts to ruin he and Al. Something crazier than being at a tonny bennet concert and standing up and
 siinging "i left  my heart in san francisco"  which happens in the film.  by the time that scene is over i had was wishing 
 "I left myself in another theater with a different movie." 

 The movies just gets more pointless from there the climax of the movie is almost unbearable as the heart of the characters 
are abandoned in favor of a forced and phony heartwarming baseball movie as Steve pitches in his first major league game 
which also happens to be game 1 of the world series. The sequence is beyond corny and embarrassing. including Fraser yelling 
to Al in the stands after pitching a perfect game while beating his chest like Kong and yelling "Al, i did it!" a bit that may have
 worked if anything leading up to it made any sense at all. How does Steve know about Al's "Kong"  we have no idea because
 we never hear him reference it to him because halfway through the movie the train that crashes is turned straight towards east hell
like a bo jackson homerun. 

The scout was released the summer of the baseball strike of 94 and its as if the studio was banking on getting 
baseball fans asses in the seats to substitute for their beloved game being in limbo for the duration of the summer
 instead of making a real movie. you can almost hear them in a meeting after watching daily's  "We need a big game, here"

Unfortunately what makes the scout work in the beginning is not about baseball at all it's about a lonely man who only through his job 
has contact with people and will do anything to succeed, the comedy comes from that idea as does the only natural drama and heart which happens organically
 in the film seemingly unbeknownst  to the filmmakers who unfortunately abandon the fact that this man is truly alone in the world. 
If he's not on the hunt for the next big thing he's alone in his new york apartment or in lonely hotel rooms scattered across america
he's the real story and it could have been one of the classic characters in movies. How to explain the disappointment of The Scout. 
I can only try.

 Sometimes a gift falls right into your lap maybe too close for you to see. 

The makers of the Scout has a gift ready to 
be opened and cherished instead the wrapping comes off and whatever amazing gift could have been in the box simply vanishes
 into thin air. 


Monday, June 16, 2014

Welcome To "The Show"

In 1994 Film making was approaching one of it's highest if not it's highest peak. At the box office and with Critics and audiences alike. Most famously 1994 is known for two films FORREST GUMP and PULP FICTION and a movie that later would become known as an all time classic but at the time was fairy panned by movie goers and critics. THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION.  Throw in a slew of huge blockbusters family, action and otherwise. THE LION KING, TRUE LIES, SPEED, THE MASK. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE. LEGENDS OF THE FALL. And smaller critcially raved films THE MADNESS OF KING GEORGE. NOBODY'S FOOL. ED WOOD. BULLETS OVER BROADWAY. I.Q. TOM & VIV. FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL. THE HOUSE OF THE SPIRITS. THE PROFESSIONAL. THE ROAD TO WELLVILLE. NATURAL BORN KILLERS.

I liked alot of films from that year. Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction Shawshank i'm happy to count as some of my favorite films and experiences going to the movies. Maybe I think of that time as Hollywood's heydey and maybe it was but it was without question mine. almost every single day I could be found at the theater taking in whatever film I could. I saw Gump, Pulp, four or five times each, i saw Shawshank three times. I saw almost every movie that year good or bad. but To me possibly the most impressive film of that year and the one i paid to see the most was The Robert Redford directed QUIZ SHOW. No less than eight times did I buy a ticket to see it. In October through november when it was first released and in January when it came back to theaters after the oscar nominations re release. the period in between was almost hell.
why? what the hell was it about this movie that I just could not get enough of? revolving around the Quiz Show scandal in the 1950's. Contestants on the popular national televised quiz show twenty-one were both coached and given the answers in advance. Thats it? there's nothing in it.  not a  single action sequence. a rare curse word, no sex, no violence, no drugs. No run forrest run, nobody brings out a gimp, no prison escapes.  It's essentially a movie with white well- to- do men in suits sitting around talking and it is absolutely riveting from start to finish.they don't make movies like this anymore. Adult contemporary drama's. I remember first seeing the poster for the movie it was a shot of Ralp Fiennes who play Charles Van Doren the most popular contestant in the history of game shows in his booth on the set of the show with his head phones on and in front of him is the audience watching his every breath. the tag line under it reads
"Millions of people watched, but no one saw a thing." That poster was so brilliant to me I couldn't wait to see the movie, i was dying to be an adult. I was seventeen and I wanted to grow up.Van Doren is not a villian he is a nice guy who the audience loves. yet their relationship is based in betrayl.

What makes the Van Doren Speech beautifully acted by Fiennes  at the end of the film so powerful is that it does seem so heartfelt and genuine. Even if as one of the congressmen says Van Doren should have told the truth all along that doesn't make the speech or Van Doren's sincerity any less truthful. The man has been shot down from the highest peak. Van Doren could have made it very easy on himself by simply signing the statement that was prepared for him by NBC. Denied all allegations and gone back to winning money and being the biggest start on television. Only because of Van Doren's statement do the domino's fall. Otherwise everything would of continued the way it had.

All the weight lands squarely on the shoulders of two men Charles Van Doren and Producer Dan Enright
The difference is Van Doren tells the truth and Enright lies. He takes all the heat denying any knowledge by NBC or Geritol and takes the blame right on the chin. He was banned from television for a few years came back and hit bit again with another game show The Joker's Wild. and what happens to Van Doren. The man who gained the most but also lost the most in the end. He couldn't simply come back to television, he couldn't really come back anywhere, except to the family home in Cornwall  to live a most isolated life. Fired from columbia the day he made the speech Van Doren was an outcast. The Van Doren name once so amazingly ????????  was now dragged through the mud mentioned with almost the same disdain as ted bundy and charles manson. all the family and the friends and all the wispy charmed life must of felt like it was sucked out of a vacuum.  
 Most of the hatrid was directed toward and still seems to be directed toward Charles Van Doren

I always wanted to ask Van Doren that if he had it to do over again would he do anything differently. It's a stupid question but I still would love to know the answer. Why didn't he just lie like everyone else. Ironically in the end the one man who lied to the most people ended up being the only one who told the full truth.

Dick Gooodwyn the man investigating the scandals for the oversight committee seems like an oversight that tax payers money go to such a committee in the first place. Is hell bent on exposing....something.. he doesn't know what exactly. until he finally realizes he wants to get "televsion" Not taking into consideration what in fact he actually may uncover. He's left with not much at the end. Enright stonewalls him in a previous scene he thinks he has Enright "Cold" he's got him and that means he's got everyone. But Enright pulls the rug out and takes the barrell of concreete square on the chin. Goodwyn only gets Enright, for a couple years anyway, but then what? enright gets the last laugh. interestingly in quiz show there really is no villain
none of these men are hardened criminals

I still don't know if i can put my finger on what made this film so special to me. I don't have all the answers.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

People show me photographs of their hiking trips. I don't show them photographs of me at the grocery store. Here's me at Safeway, Aren't those artichokes beautiful? The cherries were a little expensive but i got them anyway, what a rush.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I teach Spanish speaking Children Spanish. I figured why go to all the the trouble of teaching them
a new Language? Teach them the one they already know well and make it easier for everyone involved especially me because I don't speak Spanish.and the kids practically teach themselves.. It's made summer vacations come a lot faster. I get up very late in the day because I don't have to fool anybody.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Untamed Heart

Obscene Phone Call

Every Craigslist For Rent Post


Available Aug Ist - (Aug 10th) (Get the fuck out) 1,556 per month ($6,000 Deposit) 

3 bedroom 1 bedroom apartment in spacious house, mansion (Studio basement with (parolee neighbors who live in your bed.) 

All utilities are paid (including none of them.) Hookups for washer dryer hookups available somewhere else (but not here.)

Window hookups available in kicthen (If you want to make your own window Imagine the window that you could look 
through to see our tatted up convict son johnny take a dump in the yard and smack his bitch whore girlfriend
Linda when he's had a few too many (which is every night.) 

As long as we put (parenthesis) we can trick you into anything we want (tenant agree's to pay insurance on my wife's escalade.)   
There might be a sink (If there is tenant agrees to let me wash my ass in it.) (We pay nothing) 
 (Church is for Homos) (Obama wants my gun)  (Your own bathroom (shared.) (we will barbecue under your bedroom window.)

No pets allowed (but we have two dogs that bark uncontrollably whether we are there or not) (tenant pays for dog food)  

Stunningly beautiful (BRAND NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ten year old carpet (green stains) (Tenant must agree to pay 200 dollars to have the green stains 
professionally (not cleaned) (green stains are here to stay) (we want 200 bucks) 

Free Wi-Fi (Free wife try) (She's a big smelly girl) (tenant pays for internet) (wi-fi? why try?) 

(wife has really bad body odor) 

If interested call Earl and ask for Sandy or email me. (Number not listed) (No e-mails)